Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What We’re Learning

When we speak with banks and other financial institutions, we’re confident that our address-discrepancy solutions will be well-received because we know we’re providing a cost-effective, proven solution to a high-profile challenge. But every once in a while, we still get surprised.

Last week in a meeting with a top-10 bank, I made an assumption that they were “looking to check the FACT Act compliance box.” And one of the people in the meeting stopped me right there. “No, that’s not actually the case,” he said. “It’s a given that we’re going to comply. What we’re looking for is how to do it right and benefit our organization.” We went on to talk about how his team saw compliance as an opportunity to take a good look at the company’s processes, then implement efficiencies designed to reduce costs, increase customer service and enhance the bottom line.

Since then, we’ve heard similar sentiments from other banks. They tell us they’re looking not only for a solution, but the best solution.


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